"Being a witch means living in this world consciously, powerfully, and unapologetically."

Awaken: 30 Days of Yoga

Spring, with its burgeoning life and vibrant renewal, symbolizes a profound spiritual awakening. As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, we too feel a stirring within us, a call to shed the old and embrace the new. As we step onto our mats, we invite the energy of spring to infuse our practice with vitality and renewal. With each breath, we will draw in the freshness of the season, feeling it fill us with rejuvenation and a sense of possibility.

✓ 30 Flows (Each 30 Minutes Long)
✓ 30 Oracle Card Readings
✓ 30 Journal Prompts
✓ One Year Access

Join The Coven!

If you're seeking to deepen your spiritual exploration within an online community, consider joining The OM Coven. This exclusive membership area on my website provides a dedicated space for individuals to convene as an online Coven, delving into the realms of both Yoga and Witchcraft journeys.

Featuring weekly yoga flows, immersive workshops, ritualistic inspiration, and access to a private Facebook group, The OM Coven offers a captivating and enriching space for all who seek it.